Chives also organic

The thin stems taste slightly spicy and can even be used in place of onions in salads and sauces.


Chives – Fresh from Pfalzmarkt

J Jan
F Feb
M Mar
A Apr
M May
J Jun
J Jul
A Aug
S Sep
O Oct
N Nov
D Dec

Cultivation & harvest

In terms of location, chives prefer sunny to semi-shady places, but can also thrive in shady locations. Ideally, the soil is very loose and permeable and contains a balanced mixture of humus and sand. In addition, the soil should be particularly rich in nutrients.


Chives are a firm favourite for using in sauces, dips and to flavour potato and egg dishes. They can also be combined well with other herbs.


Chives are best used fresh, as they lose much of their flavor when dried. For a few days, however, chives can be kept fresh in a glass of water. If you want to store chives for a longer period of time, it is recommended to cut them into small pieces and then freeze them. In this way, you can work with “fresh” chives in the kitchen even in winter.