Parsley also organic

A distinction is made between flat-leaf and curly parsley. Flat-leaf parsley has a slightly more intense flavour.


Parsley – Fresh from Pfalzmarkt

J Jan
F Feb
M Mar
A Apr
M May
J Jun
J Jul
A Aug
S Sep
O Oct
N Nov
D Dec

Cultivation & harvest

Leaf parsley prefers a bright location, but not too hot. Which is why a light partial shade is optimally chosen for this. Humus and nutrient-rich soils, which offer a loose and especially moist soil favor the ideal growth of the herb plant.


Both sorts are suitable for using in salads, soups and sauces or simply as a bread topping with butter or baked into bread.


Fresh leaf parsley can be kept fresh either in a glass of water in the refrigerator for a few days, or in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Other ways to store parsley are drying or freezing. Preference should be given to freezing, if possible, as parsley loses an extreme amount of its flavor when dried. It is also possible to preserve parsley in oil, which can keep it for up to several months.