
Salanova® is a new kind of leaf lettuce that belongs to the one-cut-ready or multi-leaf lettuces.


Salanova®- Fresh from Pfalzmarkt

J Jan
F Feb
M Mar
A Apr
M May
J Jun
J Jul
A Aug
S Sep
O Oct
N Nov
D Dec

Cultivation & harvest

The high-yield harvest of Salanova® is favored by a particularly sunny location and a permeable and nutrient-rich soil.


The Salanova® has a very special feature in its use: it can be prepared with only one cut, because the leaves have the ideal size and do not need to be trimmed. The most common use of Salanova® is as a salad. Either alone or mixed with other types of lettuce.


If the lettuce is wrapped in a damp cloth, it can be kept fresh in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. At this point, the Salanova® differs from other varieties in that it has a longer shelf life.